
Folks in this ministry come alongside our local flock to assist with special occasions, such as weddings & funerals, as well as working together to keep our premises clean and tidy.

“Love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.” 1 Peter 4:8-9

Some of the opportunities to serve in this ministry are as follows:

  • ‣Table set-up and Decor
  • ‣Catered Food Set-up / Food Serving
  • ‣Wedding / Funeral Clean Up
  • ‣Premises Cleaning, such as Sanctuary, Bathroom, Kitchen Cleaning
  • ‣Restocking Supplies


Jan English

Jan started listening to Pastor Don Duncan several years ago, and later discovered him teaching at the building at Central and Main. She began attending regularly.

Jan has one daughter and two grandchildren.

“God’s guest list includes a disconcerting number of poor and broken people, including those who appear to bring little to any gathering except their need.”

Christine D. Pohl