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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

We desire to connect people to faith in Jesus by raising up people with God's Word and through the Holy Spirit.
Our mission and heart is to equip the saints for ministry by loving them where they are at and building them up.
We find purpose in conveying the Scriptures to people verse-by-verse in an easy-to-understand fashion.
We delight in praying for one another and fellowshipping with one another to build each other up in the love of Christ.
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We are a loving un-denominational, expository-teaching church.

We disciple folks of all ages and backgrounds to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, to grow in their faith and application of good works, to be prepared for the times in which we live, and to watch, with diligence, for the Bridegroom to return.

We believe that our “task is to equip God’s people for the work of service that builds the body of the Messiah.”

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Our Sermons

You are welcome here!

We would love to have you visit us some Sunday. We believe you will find a great community of love and positive transformation in Christ!

Weekly Services

“Let us not neglect meeting together, but encourage one another, especially since the day of His return is drawing near.”

-Hebrews 10:25

Intel Briefing ~ Sunday-9:30 am

Worship ~ Sunday-10:00 am

Singles Group ~ Sunday-5:30 pm 

Women’s Bible Study ~ Monday-6:30 pm, Thursday-10:00 am

Bible Study & Prayer ~ Wednesday-7:00 pm

 “The Called” Men’s Group ~ Saturdays (1st & 3rd) 8:00 am

On the first Sunday of the month we also have a fellowship potluck lunch at 11:00 am following worship.


Upcoming Events


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